How many calories can you burn in 5-10 minutes with Surya Namaskar?


Himalayan Siddha Akshar, the founder of Akshara Yoga Institutes, says that how many calories you burn depends on many other factors, such as age, which affect the rate of metabolic activity in your body.

Surya Namaskar has become an essential part of the fitness routine of many people. While they certainly help tone the body (and have many other health benefits), it is important to understand that Surya Namaskar or a series of 12 yoga poses is not a complete cardio workout unless done at a brisk pace. Is. “Rather, it should be a warm-up exercise and should be combined with a good yoga routine or cardio workout for better results,” yoga instructor Ira Trivedi said in an exclusive conversation with

Surya Namaskar is a warm-up and not a cardio exercise. But it is a good exercise to increase the metabolism in the body. Hence, it needs to be done at a brisk pace or with yoga poses or cardio routines,” said Trivedi.

Why do you then?

Surya Namaskar, called ‘vinyasa’ in Sanskrit, combines the breath with movement in a continuous flow and, therefore, provides a “great body and mind exercise”. “Exercise helps to stretch and contract various muscle groups without straining (if done under the guidance and with proper posture); increases flexibility and strength; deep breathing clears the respiratory system and abs It helps in getting a stronger spine and stronger muscles. It also helps in staying calm and relaxed,” says Trivedi.

How many calories does it burn?

Trivedi says that one cannot set any fixed number of calories as it depends on the pace of the exerciser. “If you do it slowly with control, where your heart rate doesn’t rise as much, you may not burn as many calories. But if you do it fast, you’ll burn more because it’s a cardiovascular workout. In my understanding, from the point of view of yoga, it is important to do Surya Namaskar consistently – neither too fast nor too slow,” said Trivedi.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar, the founder of Akshara Yoga Institutes, agrees and claims that Surya Namaskar, when done slowly, helps burn about 20 to 30 calories in 5-10 minutes. “It also depends on the breathing pattern you follow. Because speed plays an important role in the number of calories you burn. Additionally, when you are practicing Surya Namaskar the correct way of breathing and If we understand the alignment of different postures, it greatly increases the calorie burn,” he said.

How many calories you burn depends on many other factors, such as age, which affect the rate of metabolic activity in your body, Akshar said.

“People between the ages of 20 and 40 burn more calories and can reach 40 to 50 calories within 5 to 10 minutes of practicing Surya Namaskar. Practitioners who are a little more athletic with their exercises can definitely burn more than 50 calories in 10 minutes. It should be noted that the calorie intake depends on the use of appropriate breathing techniques,” he said.

So, what is a good number?

Since this is a good way to increase the body’s metabolism, Trivedi recommends doing six rounds of Surya Namaskar lasting about 10 minutes, instead of doing “108 Surya Namaskar”, which is “Not good for the back.”


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